
I have a co-worker that behaves much the same way, and it baffles me. She’s black, her kid is mixed, and her sister is a lesbian but yet she regularly shits on immigrants and the gay community. I’ve just never understood how the cognitive dissonance doesn’t vibrate her to pieces, I guess.

Fun fact: I lived in the US for 2 years, routinely spoke my native french everywhere with friends that were here with me, stole one of y’all jobs for a while, and weirdly enough, nobody ever told me to speak english. People usually swooned and squee’d.

But sure, it’s not racist ^^

I’m from Texas and find that shit especially bananas here. 1) the U.S. has no official language 2) TEXAS USED TO BE PART OF MEXICO AND SPAIN and 3) Texas law, since way back when Texas was a country, requires that laws/government stuff be translated into Spanish. I wonder why that is, racists?

It happens here in south Texas too. My bff was at a gas station and heard this lady yelling about all the Mexican speakers then got livid when people were pulling out phones to film her! Racism is a helluva drug.

My white sister up in Maine, who is generally left-leaning, young-ish, with a half white/black son who has very dark skin, will complain about how the police treat my nephew in one breath, and in the next breath will rail against immigrants/Mexicans and how they need to get out of the country, how evil they are, and

“....the incredibly diverse state of Wyoming.” Haha I live in the Wyoming part of New York state, also very diverse. We have all the different pickup truck makes....Ford, Chevy, Dodge. We even have Toyotas! Shhhhh…..

The good news, I guess, is that they aren’t countless — in fact, they’re probably one of the most countable of car categories.

Bernie is not my first choice for the primary, but Bernie, full-stop, is not pie-in-the-sky. And the best way to talk yourself down is to remember that.

The most important piece of advice that I can give you is to NOT listen to the pundits, who have shown over the last few years that they really have no way of knowing the future and they know less about voting patterns than they thought. In Nevada, Bernie pulled roughly the same amount of voters who consider

Who are these moderates you speak of? How many people do you know that would vote for Warren over Trump, but not Sanders? Or for Klobuchar over Trump, but not Sanders?

Yes, if you’re afraid that Warren is losing steam, it’s definitely time to get on the Klobuchar bandwagon.

The top image has a sign that says 1 in 5 people can’t afford period products. But here you are saying you are more than happy to swipe your credit card on a $2000 plane ticket to get free tampons.

One of the great brainwashing successes in modern history is how far right media has convinced large swathes of the country that those evil brown people are coming for their small towns, like anybody would give half a shit about rundown small towns in the middle of nowhere. Besides, basic economics and the opioid

Society lives in fear of what they don’t understand? We’re afraid of letting people roam around with loaded weapons because we don’t understand your “culture”? You’re the psychos who are so afraid of encountering a terrorist attack in the produce section you feel the need to carry a loaded gun to go to the eff’n

Yeah we’re all very unreasonable to be concerned about a small child carrying deadly weapons around.

It may only be a small car, but 57.5mpg sounds quite optimistic for an engine made out of cardboard and discarded Meccano, based on a 1950s design. No fuel injection here!

The USA was founded on genocide by slave-owners, I’d personally rather not return to that particular moral compass.

This lady sells bullshit remedies as a means to heal oneself. I’m disinclined to take her seriously.

The Juice amplifies emotions in a big way. It makes angry people want to fight. Dont be disingenuous.

Elon, I’ve warned you and now it’s time for quiet-time.