
Anybody else get about 2 paragraphs in of Handlen rambling about what type of tv he likes and went straight to the comments? Well the ending was superb and Winstead and Thewlis were great casting. I will side with Varga at the end. He orchestrated a entire fake serial killer operation, bled out a company and would

You are correct. Killing off Chuck and Kim would be a little to easy for Gilligan. One death for Jimmy is enough. The next type of death is if someone he cares about wants nothing to do with him. I think the writers want to do this Kim existence in a Saul world in a unique way.

Ha! Thats dark even for Gilligan and company.

Hamlin really is a stand up guy. He really has the most integrity of anyone on the show.

She cannot be fine and normal while he is Saul. No way possible.

Now this is cooking. This right here is brilliance. So much so I doubt any other plot is compatible.

That would actually work. The genius of that. Would create a entire scenario where Jimmy goes full Saul without anything tethering him to morality.

I did. The fact that he described it as Hendricks and Gavin destroying Barker is what piqued his interest in destroying Barker.

Good call.

For the book readers is there an actual all out war (massive killing of gods on both sides) in the book? If there isn't, should the show change that?

That guy only playd tech nerds. Even in phone commercials.

Only problem I have is with Hooper. When Gavin was fired and was attempting to say a last goodbye to "loyal" Hooper, Hooper just turned and walked away like Gavin was just a nobody. So to have him nostalgic for Gavin and fine with Piper taking down Barker didn't make any sense to me. If they showed Hooper as really

Holy Lord did they bring it tonight. Odin giving Shadow the full resume leaving nothing out. Ostara was so darn likeable. Charm pouring through her. I need season 2 now.

"Corcoran step into my office!"

Yikes. Thanks.

How does that happen? I don't mind being spoiled.

So many characters to explore. They could easily have origin stories for each episode.

Lol. Thanks for the disclaimer. I would have taken you seriously.

This must be a hugely expensive show to produce. 8 episodes is not enough. 10 seems to be the right number. To the book readers, is there anything that Fuller and Gaiman should change from the book to tv to make it work for the plot?

In the post episode discussion, Fuller said they went with Browning for the Essie role because she is highly skilled at accents. Sounded great with the Irish. To the Irish people here, did she nail the accent?