
She is in the next episode.

Bilquis needs a lot more development. Nancy explained himself entirely in one scene. Some characters make immediate impact. I wonder how does Bilquis and her powers fit into the story?

Really appropriate touch.

Sweeney really has layers. He realizes how outdated he is and the bad shit he is responsible for. It makes me understand why he needs his lucky coin, to regain so type if balance. His conscience gets the best of him with Laura. I wonder if she will ever find out his role in her accident. Schreiber has done a stellar

That was the same Helga Albrecht he killed in the 80s. Just rewatch the opening scene of 1st episode.

I am just putting this out there for 4th season. The lead should be Jonathan Tucker. I am watching the final season of Kingdom and that man is downright magnetic.

Mr. Wrench should have died or moved on 4 years earlier when season 1 occurred and that is what he is referencing. Yuri comes from the Cossack lineage that killed the Jews in 1786 from the story the being at the bar was telling Nikki.

I admit second half dragged but I wasn't nearly as vexed with the time jump as Zach was.

Great NBA game. Durant, Curry and Klay had a B game and still beat the Cavs A- game.

Zach Handlen should never review Fargo again. This was a masterpiece. The woods sequence followed by the genius bowling scene was art not tv. The "angel" explaining how it is to Nikki was brilliant. Then the Helga Albrecht message for Yuri was bone chilling. A+.

It really is a great little detail. He is seasoned and cold by BB

Funniest moment was when the second dealer was going to leave and looks like he is halfway to saying something to Hector but realizes it will go unnoticed. The "fuck it" look on his face was priceless. Nachos pill switch scene was so well choreographed.

Vulcan is the god of fire and forging. His old name being Volcano. He is not the god of guns as some have said. He is the god forging weapons and when he joins the New gods they rebrand him by giving his forged bullets guns to which he can get constant sacrifices.

Absolutely stunning. Once she said that I got chills.

God damn 90s millenial fuckers.

Not a bad idea.

Ha! I never considered that but yes you are exactly right.

I must have watched that scene 15 times. Bone chilling because it was conveyed so well. I could imagine it really happening.

Criminals talking down police. Malvo and Gus. Milligan and Hank Larson. Yuria and the forgetful deputy. Who would you have been most intimidated by? Close, but I will go with Malvo's speech.

Sy really hasn't done anything wrong. He is loyal to a fault but he just got in over his head. He is clearly the most sympathetic character besides Gloria.