
No shit? Good callback then. I doubt he will figure into any of this, just a plausible cameo.

Don't go near Travelers Hastings!

Obviously the reviewer is not a big enough fan of Fargo to miss Mr. Wrench. I mean the music kicking in and the camera lingering on him was practically screaming for recall of season 1.

I was thinking the same thing. That is one of my all time greatest monologues ever by Ned Beatty. It had to influence Fuller and Glover

Fuck this guy. To many sensitive assholes out here with no humor

Who was responsible for that tree growth in the office grabbing at Shadow?

I loved all the heavys in one room. Mr. World lived up to billing. He was practical and decisive. He wanted to incorporate the old gods into the system. Not war with them like technical boy. Brilliant introduction by Glover. I also loved Mr. Nancy covertly helping Odin.

I loved all the heavys in one room. Mr. World lived up to billing. He was practical and decisive. He wanted to incorporate the old gods into the system. Not war with them like technical boy. Brilliant introduction by Glover. I also loved Mr. Nancy covertly helping Odin. The fear in Odin was palpable.

Movie and tv are two very different formats. So yes Jerry is enough in 2 hours but for 10 you need more. Besides, when has Fargo (show) ever been based with real world characters? What makes Fargo fun is the immersion of villians not from these small towns and how stark they stand out. Thats why Malvo, Milligan and

Im just surprised you wouldnt have jumped ship 2 or 3 seasons ago. The writing has been spotty for awhile now.

8 seasons in and now you punch out? I find that undercuts your entire argument.

Krieger pleading for his dogs being all he has and that off camera protest from his cat was the highlight of the episode for me.

So murder robot Doberman shouldn't be killed? This isnt a litter of 8 puppies on youtube.

That is something that I don't think will ever be revealed. Honestly at this point it would not matter.

Have to disagree. The brothers storyline needed a extra kick and Varga is it.

At some point in every season Fargo becomes truly unpredictable. Tonites Stussy brother scene was it. Never saw it coming. Thewlis as Varga has been MVP. His true story rant ending with a fake moon landing was perfect. His speech about Beethoven was weirdly effective. His arrogant bullying of Gloria and meeting his

That scene at the dinner table with his grandaughter was great. In a brutal way. Moments like that offered brief glimpses but I thought we never got past the sociopathic obviousness. Deniro did a great job with what little he was given.

I have no clue where this will end. A bit nervous with 2 episodes left. A earned ending for Laurie tonite. I bet Kevins trip will be just as good as his last one. Im hoping for a Meg, Evie, Burton, Wayne and Patty cameo. Only thing I am sure of is that Nora goes into that machine and that explains her look in the

He mentioned how he was in Fallujah and all his subordinates didnt listen to him and did opposite of his orders. Comes down to he believes in chain of command and following superiors orders regardless of personal preference.

Odd they left her alive and only torso beating. I mean they threw Emmitts lawyer off a building for clicking a link.