
Flashback or dream sequences? I don't like that idea to much.

Jessica Jones does have the most confidence from me, but it will be extremely tough to top Killgrave, the best villian in all the series by far.

That hesitation was bullshit. Stick was all about doing what others wouldn't or couldn't do. Truly a badass. Shame he never knew about Frank Castle. Those two would have been a pair.

Lets be honest this entire Marvel Netflix future rests on The Punisher series. The Defenders is so paint by numbers and never elevates to great tv. Jessica Jones and Daredevil are good but they can be great if written right. Luke Cage is boring as hell, but his greatest super hero powers is he slept with Misty,

I loved that dialogue. So audiences couldn't quite pinpoint the era. Really great opening.

Agreed. The bulletproof vest hustle is the only moment I have ever seen them all have fun for once. They are wasting Tulip and Jesse is always in a funk. The Grail is the only saving grace to this show. I wish that was a consistent B plot line. The hell storyline is ultimately irrelevant.

I doubt it. The amount of bitching about the map has gone on for years. Is it that hard to acknowledge time passes by?

Exactly. They sound nothing alike but are instantly recognizable if you know your actors.

Based on the opening credits where he selects his new Morty, it will be used at some point.

The "teleportation" crowd honestly want 5 episodes worth of no dialogue along with boat rowing, ship traveling, horseback riding and walking. Wow the excitement and distance marked would be tremendous television. Ugh.

Its basically law and order Kings Landing.

Nothing turns a single mom on faster then a man who is good with her kids.

All in the defensive circle as snow pours.

That would have been to much badass. She would get Tormund killed while leering at her.

It would be hilarious if the final season was nothing but a Westeros court case determining the legitimacy of the throne. Reams and reams of scrolls being read by Bran and Sam while maesters, Qyburn, Varys, Tyrion and Davos provide counsel to their rightful heir clientele in court. It would be boring as hell.


FANSERVICE! I still love it though. Gendry is ready for war.

You want all out Avengers in the snow you are about to get it. This next episode may top Hardhome.

GRRM himself said a lot of the side stories (Stoneheart) he made sure to inform D&D wasn't important to include because it really doesn't end up anywhere. He realizes he wrote himself into a corner. Agreed books are a totally different medium, but for me its a bit hard to finish something when I know the ending.

Why would anyone continue reading the books if the main points of the story are concluded in the series?