
As the camera rotates around their faces in the defensive circle they have formed.

All I want is an all out hand to hand snow battle with White Walkers and wights vs Snow, Arya, Brienne, Hound, Davos, Jorah, Beric, Podrick, Theon, Greyworm, Jamie and Bronn. Final season with half of those names killed off.

I realized that when he managed to put his character in every important or notable event in The Patriot.

All that comic stuff is just sitting there not being used and at some point it will be to late to use the iconic source material because the ratings won't justify a renewal. Could you imagine the New York storyline instead of this New Orleana crap?

I really dont care about Eugene to devote that much time to him. He isn't compelling at all.

It's Handlen. I gave up on reading his reviews after his befuddled perspective on season 3 of Fargo.

Last weeks was much better. Starr part alone made it leaps better. DVD analysis, bullet hole covering and hospice care is as boring an episode as possible.

I have read the source comics and it is a frustrating show. It gives a great episode then 2 duds. They change a lot of the source material and its about 50/50 on what works. I would say pass if the pilot didn't do anything for you. The first season is a prequel to the comics and it was very hit or miss for a comic

It was an astoundingly horrid episode. C- at best.

This episode didn't work at all. Tulip is saddled with this weird PTSD that just meanders and really doesnt fit given what we do know about her criminal history. Being physically threatened by SK is the worst thing shes ever been through? Really? Jessie is just pulling at straws (never looked at the DVD for fucksake)

Lot child killing dragon lovers out here. Drogon was scorching kids a few seasons ago.

The final season has to revolve around that sauce quest. Throw in Evil Morty and it will be a great series ender.

1 and 3 you nailed it. The fun point of this was Rick showing his brilliance from nothing to something. I mean the pickle had pulley systems to switch out his appendages. It was great seeing Rick in a pickle for once.

Wong helped people not eat shit so eating food takes courage.

Pure genius. Rick moving the cockroach brain, solenja, him and Jaguar nursing their wounds. The entire dressing down of Rick and Beth by Wong. This was great because it put Rick in a real challenge and showed how his intelligence is an excuse to avoid real family issues.

He will show her something else next time.

What the fuck was Meeras problem? I mean what did she want from Bran? For him to throw himself on the ground and beg her not to go? He said thank you. Shes acting like she didnt directly help to create his non human self by taking him to the Three eyed raven. I am just confused as to why she was unsatisfied with his

This past year a lot of shows who have had stellar 2 seasons have totally shit the bed going into their 3rd and final season. Kingdom, Bloodline and The Fall. Kingdom and Bloodline got cancelled last minute and had to scramble and it shows. The Fall was literally boredom in all aspects for its final season. It is

He was also in Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix. Much different character.

I have no clue what it must feel like to be clinically depressed like he was. It seems that people with this severe a problem combat it with trying to stay as busy as possible to avoid lulls and opportunities for it to creep in. I wish people would stop with the but he had everything response to his suicide. Money,