

And scene.

Ill never watch this so what happens at the end?

Bill Duke losing his mind is up there with Bill Paxson in Aliens as all time minor character performances.

Scent of a Woman led to that scene which gave way to his entire Devils Advocate performance. The quintessential over the top Pacino movies. Throw in Scarface as well.

I thought Camp was a Brit?

Ahhh ok. Wasn't sure of the timeline.

Be great if it did.

Was David Burtons rock climbing death the same time as Kevins poison death? Since Burton said he died 3 years ago and that was last seasons time frame. Would explain him being in Kevins afterlife bridge and hotel karaoke scenes.

Why are you 3 seasons into a show you find dumb? Seems something a stupid person would do.

How do you think he stays lean?

Uh only 3 episodes left. Nowhere close to enough time to explain that scenario.


So much confusion, bewilderment and WTF.

This was peak level insane Leftovers. Nobody knows where this show is going and this episode proves it. Whether it was Matt about to be engorged into a penis cone, Frasier killing God or Matt pleading to Burton, the Leftovers is unpredictably beautiful.

Excellent write up. This seems to be worse then Prometheus.

Have to disagree. Aliens is a flawless film that makes you care for all the characters and has more depth and layers to the entire story (motherhood theme). It also has the best dialogue and action sequences as well as being terrifying. Aliens is clearly superior to Alien. Has much more replay value as well.

Yes I just wish there was an actual term for that

Season 4 worked well because they had to construct something different from the previous 3 due to the cast having other obligations. It was a great season.

You will get to relieve that horror again on November 3, 2020.