
Of course, but he has to remain disconnected since Chuck, Dake and company will turn over every stone going after Axe next season.

Was I the only one disappointed that they didn't have some version of Take on Me playing during the intro? They played it three times during the episode, whats a fourth?

Out of all the carnage and collateral damage, Hall disappearing hurt the most. Axe needs his fixer pitbull.

Thank you. I figured Shadow had some of that referring to your first sentence. Very interesting. Makes me want to follow tv show even more.

My guess is Shadow was a child of two powerful old gods.

Billions really keeps it compelling between these two. I keep wondering how long the writers can keep this up, but this season proved they can keep the hate going and make viewers crave more.

Yea. What the hell. Spoil it for me please.

Why is Shadow so important to the New and Old? I have never read the books. Does he have powers he is unaware of? Seems to be more then just a bodyguard if Ms. Media wants him on the new side.

"It was worth it." Chuck is ready to go to the 5th level of hell with Axe and I love it.

Exactly. Maybe they need to watch again.

They both are to damaged to end up happy. Kevin still sees things and Nora will never get past her children or Lily. This will end tragically.

The answer to the question didn't matter. Once the other doctor sized Nora up as not being 100% committed they were going to reject her. She gave the opposite answer from the guy burning himself last week. Answer to the question never mattered. Just an excuse to reject them.

Makes sense that she disavowed him in the first episode after that fight.

Clints daughter is only 23? Eastwood sure did spread his seed around back in the day. 7 kids to a lot of different women. To bad Scott only got his looks and nothing else. Anyway I firmly believe he and Ridley Scott plan to direct till 124.

A murder victim of mistaken identity whose origin has no connection to the actual perpetrators and motives of the other characters other then a family relation to the lead.

Then spread its ashes to the four corners of Minnesota just to be sure.

If this episode was removed it literally would not affect any of the storyline. The very definition of unnecessary.

Yea the math was glaringly off.

This episode just didn't work. The meandering nature without much significant happening other then the Stussy name. The animation was cute, but it didn't payoff. Felt like Gloria just making sure her stepfather background had nothing to do with his killing. In short, this episode was unnecessary.

I thought it was the same one as well.