
Yes but how does it happen? He seems very healthy and robust in BCS which is only 5 or 6 years before BB.

When you are top jefe you can be loose and free wheeling. Its a good mix since you are right everybody under him looks constipated.

See that's why Gilligan is brilliant. You know he has already determined how it happens, but the details wont be what we expect. It could be subtle, indirectly, coincidentally or it could be traumatic, sudden or directly tied to Fring.

Exactly. I thought the driver was another pool victim. Bauer plays him as fun loving but there is a blatant ability to switch into cold blooded dead serious psychopath at any second. Good to see Bauer again.

That was like 25 years prior

I swear I was holding my breath waiting for Don Eladio to kill Hector, Hector to kill Fring or vice versa and then it occured to me the Breaking Bad facts. BCS makes things so intense I forget what has happened in the future. Masterful work tonite. Gus eating untold buckets of shit from Hector, but patiently waiting

She mentioned how after what happened God doesnt care about her. So I dont think she was attributing Kevin to a God move.

Yep she is in everything. Sort of actor you know has a bigger role when you initially see her in last weeks episode.

Proposition is a weird ass movie. I remember him. Ray Winstone, Guy Pearce and Danny Huston bring their A game in that one.

Great episode. I was waiting for the Chuck reveal and boy did it not disappoint. Masterfully executed but he does not know about Wendy's short and he didn't anticipate his father losing his entire trust. When Axe sees how he can use Wendys short to destroy Chuck he will not hesitate to bury Wendy. If not only for

Apparently all of what you mentioned is delved into in episode 4. I was reading advance critics reviews of the first 4 episodes and they said the 4th is the best hour of television in any drama so far this year.

Two Boats is the best Leftover episode in my opinion. Captivating from start to finish. This was probably the worst episode of Leftovers. This was largely a slow paced episode which could have been easily summed up in 15 minutes.

So in 3 weeks Grace goes full on believer of Kevin Garvey Jr.? I guess she had forsaken God totally and a police chief was the next best thing.

Agree with everything you stated. Matt's season 1 episode is my all time favorite Leftovers episode. It was when this show became something special. Yes, Matt standalone episode with his wife leaving with their son seems likely. Why is Jill even on the show anymore? She served her purpose in the 1st season. Laurie and

Of course. Im sure the character has his reasons once backstory is established.

Scott Glenn will always be a great actor, but this episode was really only necessary for the last 15 minutes or so. The only episode of Leftovers I would consider 75% filler.

Personally I think Shadow getting a bj from his friends ex after finding that out would have been to much of a turn on to resist. Grief, anger at being cheated and lied to would make perfect sense to release the pressure in her mouth and on top of his wifes grave. Cold blooded yet satisfying.

Thank you for explaining. Seems incredibly dense.

It is the best song on Illinois and that is saying something.

I never read Sandman. What makes it so highly acclaimed to those who have read it here?