
That is Sean Connerys best delivered line. Thats right I said it.

Seasons 2 to 9 are the only seasons you need to watch. I guarantee you will be a fan if you do. It is unmatched in its brilliance.

Bingo. Pitt played him perfectly. Well aware of what he was involved with and cautious. His final scene with Fassbender was amazing.


Exactly. I had to teach my 6 year old that a PC wasnt a tablet or cell phone. She was wondering why the screen wasnt moving when she finger swiped. She uses tablets in school every day.

Milligan is his boss. Id love it.

Im sure he will run into Varga at the most inopportune time and nobody will believe he isn't Emmitt.

I want a Netflix prequel. Solely focused on Westtray. Showing how a gringo middle man works amongst the cartels and the US contacts. Starring Brad Pitt in 12 episodes. Tell me that wouldn't kick ass.

Or at least a page in the big book of british smiles.

Great call. I never even considered that.

Cause you expected one of the brothers to be a real piece of garbage. They aren't yet. Both come across nice even if Ray isn't as polished as his brother.

Well Gloria can't use computers because of the non response she gets from electronic technology. Doors sensors not working, cell phone breaking up are few examples why she doesn't use computers. They would not work for her.

I like how Nikki Swango's criminal past history has not been identified in detail. Which makes her even more dangerous because she can be well versed in a lot of shady activity. All we now know is she is a manipulative sociopathic murder who can pick locks and likes to leave disgusting calling cards. Also she knew a

You really need to binge it and atone for your tv viewing sin. Shield is all time great.

That was the best part. Like she's no worse then the rest…fuck her.

Exactly. Also a British accent isn't exactly German now is it?

This is Fargo bro. Dark comedy with varying shades of realistic and unrealistic characters. Lorne Malvo, Milligan and Varga are those quirky and off center characters that are vital to Fargo. Bro.

It would rival Jabberwocky.

Wow. Good shit. I didn't even see that. Now we have a scent lol. That has to go somewhere now.

"I did create robot super soldiers! And they would have been unstoppable!"