It is current day I believe. Not a flash forward. Due to Scott Glenn being same age and not ancient. How could they have read it when there is only one copy?
It is current day I believe. Not a flash forward. Due to Scott Glenn being same age and not ancient. How could they have read it when there is only one copy?
Those shots to her wearing a bulletproof vest makes her understand exactly where Kevin is at that moment. Even her laughter at Kevin wanting a baby the viewer could understand based on her experience. Norah centric episodes are always full of depth, beauty and anguish. Carrie Coon will be a mainstream name with Fargo…
Topped off by playing Protect Ya Neck.
Well I was wrong on Lily. You guys were right on Christine getting her back. Stellar episode. Norah going through reminders of all her loss pushes her to follow through on the go through offer. First season she laughed at those outlandish demon explanations people called her with. I am wondering how those Australian…
Biggest theory here is Erika has Lily. My guess is Erika stole Lily and ran away.
That is reasonable, little creepy but ultimately hilarious all at once.
Well damn then. Just damn.
I would love to believe that was hers, but its most likely a body double.
"Now I know Cousin Merle has had his troubles with the revenuers, but he's hardly a master crim… oh, you're referring to me."
You are right it was a great touch. He just had enough.
"Lets see what else I got here…..uhhhhh syphilis,syphilis, syphilis, syphilis, syphilis,syphilis syphilis…. oh hey, how about that Taft Hartley act?"
Now THAT is interesting.
He has yet to even establish what Superman stands for.
To show that impish Snyder has a borderline sexual admiration of tall handsome muscular men with imposing presence.
Good call on the Gus sweeping. At first i thought the guy left something on the ground and Gus swept it into his pan. However Fring is the most observant and cautious character on BB or Saul so he figured Jimmy out in seconds.
Good theory.
It is now known as the Tom Holland viewing method.
Exactly. Who the hell watches BCS without having seen Breaking? It is unAmerican and borderline sacrilegious.
Gus and Chuck schooled Mike and Jimmy on how to lay bait and trap your prey.
We dont know enough yet. Of you watched the season promo, Norah is on her own personal mission to Australia for some reason.