
Just a guess, but the little baby Lily was probably stolen by Regina Kings character. Norah did not give up Lily. I bet after Evie was killed, she lost her mind and ran away with Lily. It is why she is nowhere to be found and John is with Laurie now. This is why the Garveys were discussing if Norah had talked about

True. This is by far the most insanely unpredictable drama I have ever viewed. Whatever the ending I guarantee a lot of us will probably never see it coming.

Good theory. She seems hell bent on some mission (based on previews) and given that Kevin is immortal and still alive all these years later you could be right.

Yea that doesnt fly. If Jesus and angels don't know, no way a low totem pole human gets that insider information. Just some non negotiable aspects from God in the Bible. It would be a huge red flag if any leader started predicting dates.

What are your theories on Norah and the last scene?

Holy fuck. That last goddamn scene gave me chills. This is just plain brilliant. A show you can't explain. You just have to watch. I'll say it again, Leftovers season 2 was the best drama that year. Season 3 will again be the best season of any drama this year. Fargo, Americans and Game of Thrones will have to step it

That never gets old!

"But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." Matthew 24:36

Kevin knows he can't die. It looks like he does his asphyxiation ritual often enough to remind himself.

This series weeds out the idiots among us.

4chan will locate and send people to that cabin in about a week.

True the show has about 3 different generation time periods. I havent watched since 1999 so im sure the show is an entirely different animal now.

That is a crime far worse. Especially not seeing seasons 2 to 9. Mandatory viewing.

You sir have the manners of a boorish Yalie!

Tom Holland you know you done fucked up right? Do you know how much downtime actors have on major movie sets? Tons. Watch it in your trailer. Hell, how do you watch the 1-3 trilogy and like them, but skip the next 3 and then see FA and Rogue One? He would have no clue about any of the references or who Hans Solo is?

People have at least 2 hours free to watch any classic or iconic film. If you are 21 and up and havent seen the basics its probably cause you just have no interest in the genre. Its ok to admit it. Just dont say you love sci fi and have never seen Space Odyssey, Terminator 1&2, Predator or Alien, Aliens.

Die Hard is a great movie. Iconic. Get on that.

Magnificent Seven does more for me then Seven Samurai ever could.