
"Oh, and don't forget the indie soundtrack by unknown bands, whose songs are already in every car commercial ever."

DM "You put all your bonus points into status so you are a Prince?"

Glad the mentioned Baldur's Gate 2, he came back to some more voice work for the Siege of Dragonspear expansion.

…Reminds me of the Brave and the Bold episode where the trinity's villains fought different heroes. Cheetah defeated Superman using magic and kryptonite nail polish.

The creation of the armor from all the weapons and the two fingers to make eye holes was actually very good.

Yep people here still do some stuff outdoors. Easier to bundle ones self to go fishing/hunting/snowmobiling outdoors then be out in 90 degree humidity.

Do all movie have to be about sneezing?

Would have preferred the song over the ten minute long Peter Jackson action scene.

I was going to do a joke from the Peter Porker universe but it turns out the magneto there is Magsquito which have tarsi not paws.

Also they didn't have any shape shifting powers or really anything else that they are known for.

"Why do you bother my spirit after you didn't stop me from being shot in the face!"

That is the only thing that might be better the second season, more time to prepare/train so the fight scenes are better.

Well they did finish it a couple weeks ago….

The one with the cyber zombies looked the most interesting.

That is a fun use for her powers, I like what some of the things they are doing with America.

It really depends how they are cooked, a little olive oil and spices then roasted on a grill make them taste really good.

OJ getting hurt repeatedly for 90 minutes? Might work

Definitely better then the 40's "Batmobile"

Trump the Game, heard a podcast review it. You spend the first half of the game "investing" In different properties by putting money into boxes. The second half you bid on them to see if you remembered how much was placed over the game. The game takes a real long time and there are cards that just allow you to steal