
Take a look at all of the video we get when there are large meteors or really weird clouds.

Here is a story about a man who scammed people out of their life savings, a horrible multiple child murderer, and is this blurry blob a ghost?

remember reading an article in Entertainment Weekly how Mulan did a very good job avoiding stereotypes and being respectful… the problem was the tie ins they didn't have as much control over.

Caesar ended up being a title (hell Tzar is based on it) so there are a whole bunch of them that could count.

Still do it, gives me something to do on the bus to work…

Guardians have been doing a good job with character's vocal tics.

Cracked had that as well but the comment section is now getting worse and worse lately.

Mike: "Wait, Nickelback's an actual band? All these years I thought it was just a derogatory term for a terrible band!"

He had some great moments,I don;t know why but grabbing a Fireman's hat when spraying down Electro seemed very true to the character.

I think it was made for Apollo 7, the astronauts tried it an then never touched it. One of the many reasons why the crew got annoyed at Mission Control.

there is a disturbing amount of supposed human bones on Amazon…

Should have used a Master Ball

Would probably recommend the Players Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide for the starting DnD nerd… The starter pack doesn't have all the classes/options. The newest edition (5e) is an improvement and a lot easier to deal with then the earlier editions.

Its okay, takes a while to get going but when the deck is low it is entertaining.

One of the saddest moments was watching the South Park movie in the North Woods of Wisconsin (counselor at Jewish summer camp, on day off) The Jokes that got significantly more laughs were the Jewish ones… was creepy as hell/ (also one of the reasons I stopped caring about South Park)

Well you can just say they are just following the comics… X-Men is always confusing.

Well do you do have to admit that the other New Glarius beers are much better, really like their Two Women, Fat Squirrel and Serendipity

From what I hear the Clone Wars gets a lot better later in the series, they also gave Anakin a personality.

Poonda Baaba

Isn't the Bar traditional?