
Why the hell do you think Hell's Kitchen is so hellish now… The city probably has about half the population it did before.

Its a thing in Star Wars, everything is named and cataloged. (except for Yoda's species name)

I did like the scene with the Punisher… That worked.

Liked the book, very flawed but it was enjoyable. Looking forward for the movie because Speilberg is really good at improving flawed books, hopefully he will do it with this story.

"Well, this is a Revolutionary who gets "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly."

I agree, didn't even see the second one when it was in theaters. The contract does make sense, SyFy would do that.


Right Flash!
"I lost my legs in the war, I only walk because of a monstrous alien symbiote and my roommate is psychotic racoon…"

Too bad the Hitler building was blown up…

Crow: It was a dark and stormy night. I'd taken a creative writing class.

The unclear war has been forgot???

You saw what happened last time Fox did Doctor Who…

"Stick you are blind"
"Still haven't seen anything like this…"