Kinjaverse Mattiescramz doesn't care what bathroom you use

Lol like unions can't be corrupt.  IBEW in NYC was awful

Yeah, it’s been a weird day at jalop

Ironically, this looks much better as a boat than a truck

My 85 944 had that exact same interior (minus the wood trim). 

I miss him

The CIA murdered Patrice O’neal in the Congo?

I thought he was insufferable on hot ones.  Especially at the end when he brags about no water no milk

Wait, he's not a chef?  So what is he, the Dr Oz of food?

Ok Boomer


He knows what he has

I think you took this way too seriously

It’s the texture

The gods must be crazy

Great. Now we're gonna have to deal with mountain dew Doritos locos tacos

I can deal with cool ranch but for the most part I agree

Been meaning to check out the Mary's in Denver. Dunno if they have a drive through though

It’s just tiring at this point

The Ewoks have never bothered me. They were gonna eat everybody. RoTJ gave us Jabba, the rancor,t sarlac pit, speeder bikes and troopers at ats, the emperor with lightning fingers and heros dressed as cool alien bounty hunters. Sure, they recycled the death star, but it was under construction this time!

I guess no one cares about anything anymore.  I just wanted Curry suggestions