Kinjaverse Mattiescramz doesn't care what bathroom you use

It’s an 80's Hollywood take on what a 2020 truck would look like.

A lot of things during that happened during this pandemic were completely preventable, but I’m not sure saving AMC ever really was. They were already in crisis mode months before the pandemic hit, and I’m not really sure they would have lasted another five normal years. Streaming and Moviepass really tore into them,

There is a vastly superior option available at an even lower price:


Wait, I thought Moff Gideon was the Gus Fring of the Star Wars universe. 

Psst...The Force is magic.

This thing is junk and not worth repairing, but Tracy’s stuff is 100x worse, and he wins by sheer number of shitheaps he’s had/has. Tracy wins the contest hands down... but by virtue of being the winner of your contest, Mercedes ends up being the real winner.

Base on this article and many other ones on earther I imagine editor’s notes on first drafts go something like this. “This is great, but can you make it a little more sanctimonious? Can you shoehorn the word ‘capitalism’ into it a few more times? Could you make a bit more of a mountain out of this molehill?

Lighten up, Frances.

For all the good this article will do, it might as well be titled “defund Christmas.

I’m an atheist, and I can’t believe how this editorial made me side with the tree.

I’m thinking we should cancel this post, instead. 

(whispered severely)

He is worth approximately 91 billion dollars. Thats 91 THOUSAND MILLION dollars . And you are impressed his tax deductible foundation is giving away on average less than a million dollars a year?

“Because I’m a mammal.”

this allows for baby Yoda to eat her spawn. How hilarious is that? Not a lot really, because we were told the eggs were very important.

I didn’t like this episode.

It really tried leaning into the comedy which seemed to be at the expense of the plot. You’ve got this reptile mom who needs transport her for eggs, and the eggs we’re told (because we have to be told) are real important. But she decides to never really be by them, this allows for baby Yoda

This episode, while moderately entertaining, was just more proof (as if we needed any) that this series just has zero interest in crafting sophisticated, meaningful story arcs.

They film dozens of scenes, spend millions of dollars, fly people out, and then some bros decide they can just leave them on the cutting room floor? That’s suspicious, almost definitely-racist, and needs to be investigated.

I read a lot of comic books when I was in middle school and high school and then I stopped. Occasionally I’ll pick one up now and thumb through it. The main thing that stands out for me is that I’ve gotten older, but the characters have stayed the same age.