Not really seeing anyone outraged. Although the takeout sure tried with that headline
Not really seeing anyone outraged. Although the takeout sure tried with that headline
Wouldn’t it be more efficient to put them on treadmills? I mean, you can only burn them once
Please tell me we’re not pining for roll down windows now
I don't know, I anyways feel like I'm tasting onion
Great. Now everyone's going to have Asian babies
Jalop is losing its way
Damn, is that what good peanut butter goes for? I spend 10 bucks for a 2 pack of peanut butter and co on Amazon and I felt like that was a lot. I eat too much peanut butter
I’m so fucking bored... I don’t feel more healthy, I’m not sleeping any better than I did and I’m going to the gym about the same amount. But hanging out around people who are drinking while sober is annoying, and I’ve realized that I get really tired really fast when I go out late and don’t drink. Plus now if I keep…
+1 in six chance that joke dies
At some point the tax on packs went up like 6 bucks. Was probably after that.
I love how many people in the comments know what an interstitial space is. My I-space story was when I worked running fiber in Woodhull hospital in NYC, there was actually an elevator that stopped between floors in the interstitial space, but most of the people that worked in the hospital didn't know it was there. …
Was that the Christopher Walkin freezer?
I thought cigarettes were 15 bucks in NYC in 2003.
I feel like you're and old cable jockey like me
Someone needs to tell Subaru that all those cars they're selling don't have enough horsepower
People are spending 30k on a 20 year old eurovan westy, I think there’s more of a market than you think
That sounds like a camp you get sent to when your parents don't want to deal with you
So you’re saying that this order was in.....
You are a lie. Or live in the Midwest
Neither has sauce. I don’t think she was saying that calzones do, I think she was just saying that hot pockets use piss cheese