Look, just because I’m a fat guy with a cane, a top hat, and a monocle, does not give you the right to insult me, okay?
Look, just because I’m a fat guy with a cane, a top hat, and a monocle, does not give you the right to insult me, okay?
Weird, trippy videos set to Pink Floyd music? What’s next, going to the beach when it’s sunny out? What a world.
“Whispers of a Snow-focused Game Of Thrones prequel first hit the Free Cities in 2022"
Stallone sounds like a next level asshole. He’s always struck me as one, both from the vibe he gives off as well as the numerous anecdotes I’ve heard. The Unspooled episode of “Creed” dives into this in an entertaining way:
Meanwhile, a 35 year old Michael Cera despondently lowers his head directly on to his cafeteria lunch tray.
You had me at “Zendaya is in an adult film”
Yeah, if that comment hurts your soul, perhaps acting is not the right career for you.
The funny bit about that one was that THAT was the comment that “hurt the guy’s soul”?
“Fat guy with a cane” LOL.
While I do think that AI has the potential to negatively impact the creative arts, I really don’t think that “AI assisted video submission wins contest for Pink Floyd 50th Anniversary” is the harbinger of doom you think it is.
No, no, NASA actually had no intention to go to the moon but they hired Kubrick to fake it, except the bastard was such a perfectionist he insisted they shoot on location.
Did you get it for free because of a lawsuit with Sweetwater ? And all you had to do was answer a few questions?
What? Ha ha, no! Absolutely not. I’m Bam Sarbanti!
The crowds at his shows look like the fucking worst.
Constantly shouting out racial slurs, or jeering T-Sway, or crying “Let’s Go Brandon.”
So when does SNL give him his next chance?
This article took so many detours I forgot how it started.
You can not be serious!
Is Emma going full John McEnroe there?
What a lovely day in the AVClub when we can get both Isla Fisher AND Amy Adams stories.