Murry Chang

You can’t, it’s invisible.

I’ve tried with Resurrections, multiple times.

I think the indifferent-to-hostile assessment of Resurrections was pretty fair. The movie has a good setup, but completely squanders it.

Johnny Chesterfield Q. Fucking Christ.

I’d rather see an Invisibles film.

That was cool! And the cast was decent, too. It’s just a shame they didn’t let them do anything. 

I’ve only heard good things about Silo, and it’s on my list to read next. 

I didn’t know the book was a fix-up going into but findout out afterwards makes so much sense. I still liked it though.

I think Nolan and Joy have made some incredible stuff but they really struggle with some bad “mystery box” tendencies. Westworld had some very high highs but it certainly padded it out unnecessarily here and there.

The Star Whackers’ deep hatred for nipples is their second worst quality, after their systematic murder of celebrities, of course.

At least he was before the star whackers got him.

Hard Rain is the biggest piece of shit. Seriously, it’s laughably bad.
I remember a Weekend Update joke when it premiered...
“Christian Slater was temporarily let out of jail to attend the premiere of his new film, Hard Rain. After half an hour, Slater asked to be returned to his cell.”

Look, you make sacrifices for great art. Do you hear about Randy Quaid being hesitant to have his nipples visible in Hard Rain? No. If anything, Randy Quaid was probably eager to show more of his nipples, no matter what directors and producers wanted. Because Randy Quaid is a fucking professional.

I came here for this. It remains to me one of the funniest cutaways in any sitcom and I can’t here the phrase without thinking of it.

God, I miss Bob’s Burgers at its prime.

I like how he’s trying to look like a super-hip connoisseur de Marie-Jean, and his ashtray’s the plastic ones hospitality supply warehouses sell for like $14 for a dozen.  

How long was the interview going to be that Bill couldn’t handle not being high for? I like smoking weed, too.....but I don’t need to be high 24 hours a day.       

Born in Pennsylvania, Flaherty began his career at Second City in Chicago, working alongside comedy legends like John Belushi, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase, Brian Doyle-Murray, and Harold Ramis.”

Due respect to Jon Stewart, but he truly doesn’t know what he’s talking about here. AI is an augmentation, not a replacement. Any jobs that are replaced will be replaced because they are automated, which is a key difference.

- The AV Club 

I can relate. I had a job where I had to wear a demeaning outfit intended to strip away all self-esteem and respect too. It was a McDonalds uniform.