Genuinely don’t get how Garland being open about his plans is ‘sabotaging’ the movie
Genuinely don’t get how Garland being open about his plans is ‘sabotaging’ the movie
I’m calling it now: we're going to see so many articles about this on AVC for the next forever
imagine reading two articles and deciding you’ll need to buy this book to confirm it was a bad idea to work on the Brorhers Grimsby.
According to some quick google, Eilish goes from $95 for the altitude sickness seats to $1500 for a VIP ticket.
It’s grown on me over the years. I think a shifting of focus to Siona, Duncan, and the various plots against Leto by Ix and the Face Dancers could compensate for the soliloquizing by Leto.
Player of Games (and subsequently anything in the Culture universe) for darn sure, but also Banks’ other sci-fi stuff too— there wasn’t much non-Culture but there is Against A Dark Background and The Algebraist, both of which are great. The former is probably more ‘filmable’, since it’s essentially a heist story…
It was always great to see him pop up, and he was awesome in Watchmen.
As someone who had, at the time, acquired an HBO account via ATT mobile service and looking for something of interest to watch on the service.....
I’ve never seen the show and have no idea what it’s about but I find it hard to believe that it wouldn’t be improved by the addition of a time travelling detective.
Everybody says Zendaya is great in this series so I believe them, I never watched it, but I really don’t understand the appeal based on her other works. She is bland in Spiderman, so far from Kirsten Dunst or Emma Stone in similar roles that it is painful, and she was she worst part of Dune 2.
So we commenting again?
Seriously. He made his point in the first episode review. For him to repeat it in every review, including mentioning every time that he was dropping each grade down a letter because of it, came off as childish and unprofessional. It was so bad that it even had me feel bad for the AI that did the credits and rooting…
Pepperidge Farm remembers...
Yeah, well I tried a copycat recipe and made this sandwich, and the fact that people in the South think this is a good sandwich just reinforces my belief that I best stay far away from there.
There is a no sugar added version of Sweet Baby Ray’s.
So the answer truly is “with a knife.”
I hope there aren’t any MAGATS reading these comments because “face Hitlers” is good Trumpin’ and I don’t want to hear it all year.
(Face Hitler) really made me laugh.