Murry Chang


Right, just saying ‘people do/don’t like long movies!’ is kind of silly.

I like movies that take enough time to tell the story well but aren’t padded with bullshit that should have been excised 2 editing passes before shooting started.

Yeah it’s been years and it was just in my head as ‘Classic good movie’ but nope, it’s really not.  Costner’s acting in Prince of Thieves was better than Dances With large part because he didn’t try to do the accent, honestly.

I watched Dances With Wolves a bit ago...hadn’t seen it in a long time and, honestly, it wasn’t very good. Costner’s performance was especially hackey.

Yeah I used to want to be an astronomer or cosmologist.

And the scenery chewing, oh the scenery chewing!

Yeah they’re one of those things that exists but aren’t really as common as the people complaining about them would like you to believe. 

All the plebs running around are interrupting his ‘Upper Class Twit of the Year’ award practice:

Yeah I don’t even have close to that kind of room.

To deny AI will not result in people losing jobs ignores virtually the entire business world’s view of it.”

Yeah I’ve dealt with one of those huge wood block tables before, it’s a giant pain in the ass to move around and I never felt like it actually got clean. I don’t even have close to room for 10 cutting boards or one of those huge wood blocks.

Ok right so your claim that creative jobs are being eliminated really quickly is false, just so we’re clear. Because that’s not actually happening.

“I never envisaged the amount of interest there would be. It’s quite weird,” said Charles Stopford Sackville, whose family has owned the sprawling property in Lowick, England since the 18th century (via Daily Mail). “I don’t take it as flattering.”

I do it all the time without any trouble, it’s a lot easier than dealing with a cutting board especially when you don’t have much storage space in the kitchen.  A lot easier to keep meat/non meat cutting surfaces separated too.

I see a lot of speculation in those headlines but absolutely 0 proof of anything other than ‘AI’ being used as a scary buzzword.

Naw dude a credit card’s worth PER YEAR!

I actually cook and, as I’ve said, I find it a lot easier to cut stuff on plates.

Wasn’t Waterworld already kind of a sci fi western?  The Postman definitely was.

Damn they screwed the pooch on this one HARD