Murry Chang

Sure, automation has given us many benefits in the modern world, but what has it done for us lately?

Yeah that’s what I mean to each their own...nails on chalkboard never really bothered me as much as it seems to bother other people too so I’m almost definitely the weirdo here.

I guess to each their own but I would never describe cutting on any surface as ‘satisfying’. Cutting on a plate is just as good as cutting on a cutting board except I don’t have to own a separate device that is only useful for cutting on, I just have to own a plate.

Ehh...even following all the laws can be iffy:  The guy going 55 in the 55 zone while everyone else is going 70 is not being a good driver.

I have 4wd/awd and use good all weather tires in PA winters and have never had problems. Actually, I’ve only had front wheel drive before this one and never had problems. Drove an ‘89 Caravan through 2 Hazleton winters, one of them a year when the city had no budget for snow removal, and got by fine.

That the auto stop/start thing actually saves gas in most situations.

He’s right.

I just cut stuff on plates. I’ve been called ‘psychotic’ around here for doing that, but I think that person was just jealous because I figured out how to cut stuff without needing to own a cutting board.

Thing with Altered Carbon is that the books get worse as they dig go on too.

Almost 5% of a century, in fact!

Oh he’s definitely worn suits before! For example:

Well yeah he’s got a city to protect.

Exactly! We think it would be cool but we’re not sure everyone would agree lol

I feel like they were banking on Harley Quinn being the popular character that would pull people into the game.

That’s really neat. A friend and I have come up with a plan to do a chain of solar powered lab grown chicken joints where you can watch the chicken growing while you eat.  We’re gonna have to focus test that last part though.

But have you considered that the shareholders are more important than the rest of us?

Same, I’d love to tour a facility. 

I believe I found a pic of the prototype:

The fast food places are in the opposite direction of work for me too, definitely first world problems.

From context you can tell that she’s changing a lightbulb during this interview.