Murry Chang

Why didn’t someone tell me that this was a Star War?!


Well yeah but you gotta admit you are in the very tiny minority of people who do that, most burgers that people eat are probably at least slightly more processed. I get mine from a butcher so yeah not very processed at all. A McD’s burger probably has a bit more stuff in it I would think, but that depends too: You can

I would imagine the NYT article says something about how they got their info but I don’t have an account so I’m not sure.  Want to take a look?

Yeah I’m really more on the lab grown meat train myself.  Trying to make a plant based burger that will be an actual replacement for real meat is a fool’s game.  Growing real meat in labs without having to deal with everything involved in raising and slaughtering millions of animals is the way to go.

Right that’s true but it doesn’t speak for anyone saying that vanilla is their favorite flavor of ice cream. You need vanilla for butter pecan but you’re not telling me vanilla is your favorite flavor, you’re telling me butter pecan is. I doubt that vanilla got the second most votes for favorite ice cream flavor.

Community notifications:  Absolutely useless since 2014

And by celebrating Beyond IV’s Clean Label certifications, the company reminds us that this has always been a highly processed food, just like its meaty counterparts.”

I guess it depends on if the top 10 thing is by volume or by preference.  By volume I can see it, but if it’s by preference I just can’t believe that many people would say vanilla is their favorite ice cream flavor.

Ahh ok definitely not for me then.

 Yeah it would be great if there was a breakfast place that had good stuff instead of Dunkin.  Last time I was in a Starbucks they just sold you a cup and didn’t even pour your coffee for you, so they can fuck right off as far as I’m concerned. 

Vanilla is the second most liked really?

That looks like a milk shake or something though.

No he was the titular Firefly of Firefly fame.

You assume I want to sully the good name of chicken parm by wrapping it in *shiver* bread.  I want to eat it with my bare hands, just feeling the chickie parm goodness drop between my toes.

So...not Good?

I know, right?

Done properly, all weapons should be kept under lock and key by the armorer, with a clear chain of custody, namely, if you’re not the armorer or the performer tasked with handling the weapon on camera, you are not to be touching the weapon.”