Oh use my buddy’s story from his work trip the other week: He had 4 MTG Commander decks in his carryon, TSA went through every single card for his outgoing flight. Because of all the terrorist bombing trading cards out there?
Oh use my buddy’s story from his work trip the other week: He had 4 MTG Commander decks in his carryon, TSA went through every single card for his outgoing flight. Because of all the terrorist bombing trading cards out there?
Yeah you would and I would but her father was also an armorer and trained her, apparently badly. I have a lot of sympathy for people whose parents never taught them any better, I grew up surrounded by people like that.
Just goes to show people can claim to believe all kinds of crazy shit if you give them attention for doing it.
I miss the first 3 seasons. I watched the rest but it was...less than good.
Yeah seriously and what does Jenna think about Stranger Things or the Harry Potter series, where kids are also in crazy dangerous situations?
Well money, pretty much.
If you’re charging more for breakfast than IHOP you are doing something majorly wrong. Except for hotel room service breakfast I guess, I expect that to be higher than IHOP but then again I’m paying for the ability to eat bacon that I didn’t have to cook in a bed I don’t have to make because I have a hangover that I…
I thought the only lonely place was on the moon.
More like ‘Everybody, I am HIGH AS HELL!’
You’re right that there shouldn’t have been any live ammo, but there also aren’t any industry standards or rules of any kind to hold anyone accountable for that as far as I know. iirc she was raised by a movie armorer and I’ll be dollars to doughnuts she was used to live ammo on sets being commonplace.
Ah yep, that’s it!
Betteridge’s law of headlines says no.
I think this girl was in way over her head.
Ok but we’re talking about Frasier here.
Oooh close but no stogey!
Herr’s chips are the shit!
Proofing your own work seems to be pretty standard these days. The newspaper I used to work for hasn’t had a copy editor since the old one died back in the early ‘00s, they just proof their own work.
I think you may be forgetting about my pathological need to see people watch me but not look at me like I’m crazy.