Murry Chang

Man you just don’t get it: Say I think something should happen. That something won’t have any bearing on my life at all, but I think it should happen. Then it doesn’t happen. Do you know how outrageous and absolutely wrong that would be? If I think a thing should happen IT DAMNWELL SHOULD HAPPEN, HOLY SHIT I’M SO

I love the argument that there are too many adaptations these days, like adapting other work to film is something that was just invented 20 years ago or something, not the way Hollywood has worked since day 1.

I’ll give you a hint: That head is now one of the hosts of The Great British Baking Show.

Does ‘Chizza’ sound like Aussie slang to anyone else?  Like, ‘Oy, chizza me a cold one by the billabong, barbie!’

Ok but what if I want to eat the chicken parm with my bare hands in public without people looking at me like I’m crazy? I dare you to find people like that at a place that serves ‘much better’ chickie chikie parm parm.

Well if she refuses to be offended about being snubbed harder than a snubber snubbing overtime in the snub factory, I’ll be offended for her!

That’s why it’s silly to pay attention to who wins awards in an industry full of narcissists who love getting back pattings.

Studio hopes to make a lot of money on the sequel to a movie that made a lot of money: News at 11!

Oh yeah I was half kidding honestly.

Hey there’s nothing wrong with taking kids to the bar so they can play pinball while you deal with your bookie.

Making the dining and bar areas bigger when you’re not making as much money on food/drink and changing up the games, which you apparently are making money on, eh?

I don’t claim to know, I’m making a judgement call based on historical information. 

Way ahead of you, Helen:  I give exactly 0 fucks about awards shows.

But this is reality TV, there can’t be story arcs...can there?


People are hard wired to do this kind of thing.  The story of Hercules didn’t start with 12 labors, that shit got built up over the life of the franchise.

Scandoval is a flat circle...

Jesus, Joan of Arc and now me, Tom Sandoval