
MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

Try watching the 4th season of The Wire if you want to see how devastating the system can be on kids. 

For sure. My wife shares a few pictures of the kid on Facebook. Everyone of them my mom shares with her friends with a caption like “my grandkids are my life!” or “I miss these boys so much!” even though she hasn’t called them in weeks (“well if the 4 year old misses me, he can always call!”) and keeps putting off her

Oh dear. Bush to Live is a massive step sideways.

Looking forward to being reminded of this on Why Your Team Sucks next year!

Not great when you haven’t played your Week 2 game yet and Deadspin already has the cover image for next season’s WYTS

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

“The Lightning were up with 36 seconds left, and they’d pulled some of their best players. The game was over.”

“That’s not like him...” they say.

I feel for them. What a horrible tragedy to be forced to confront. That said, Rusty Hardin is a soulless bloodsucker and I think that hiring him sends the opposite message than the one they intend. 


First and foremost, sympathy to those who lost a loved one, a teammate, and a friend. Opiates suck and have destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives just so we can maximize shareholder value at pharmaceutical companies.

I get the parent’s grief. But blaming some locker room attendant for running out to score him some drugs and not Skagg’s himself is some next level denial. His death is indeed tragic and I wish he got some help, but it was his decision to make this fatal mistake. Jamming up some underling is bullshit.

This is just sad. I battled with addiction for a number of years and have been sober for 4 years now. I count myself lucky that I cleaned myself up before fentanyl started flooding the market. I have known so many people...good people...that have died as a result of this shit that I sometimes feel desensitized to the

There is nothing clean about keeping cummy socks lying around. I ejaculate in to the toilet (usually standing) and then it’s one or two sheets of toilet paper to wipe the residual mess. Wash hands, piss, and go about my day/evening. Only thing cleaner would be to clog the shower drain.

The good news is he can still play 2.5 years in China.