
Lot of classy members of the community in that video.

(Headline reluctantly self-edited from “Shut The Fuck Up, Tony La Russa,” because this website is now owned by a bunch of pussies.)

It's nice and all, but for the money I think I'd rather have 24 of yesterday's NP car

You forgot the part about being black

Seriously WHO is voting CP on this?? Show yourselves !!!

... And they are accidentally shot by Claudine Longet!

Heheh front clam

Hear. The. Car. CAR

I'm not sure I'd buy a bag of coke from this man

Yeah I'm saying I don't think you buy this car for the sound system. I'd rather just hear the car.

I can’t help but shudder at that aftermarket radio. Like did he take this thing to Best Buy and have some schlub install that? Looks so out of place

At first glance, 17k seems a tad high, but then again the ad doesn't say how much cocaine is stashed in the wheel well. So it's really a toss up

Emphasis on the “fucking”

“See honey, I TOLD you I have a crippling crack addiction!”

Sad story but true. My first couple cars were $450, $600 each. If you got 6 months out of it, great, and I had something to learn on too. Now everything is a grand or more

Can't say I'm surprised. Do they even have a functioning website??

I get that Rodman DROVE it, but did he breaks his dick in it???

“Defeated shells of men” hahahaha

I for one am STUNNED it was a female driver of the MB. Shocked, even.

The real shitpile is the beast between her legs