
Normally you would need all that headgear just to go down on her

I was barely a teenager back then, but I was still jalop enough to want to fix it up haha

I've seen a Yugo in person. Fittingly, it was dead in my neighbors yard.

Why always gray? Is this jalop hazing?

Not sure why I would need a $58000 AR to hop a curb, I can do that with a six pack and a Honda right now.

Can’t say I’ve even heard “Six easy steps” and “Saab” used in the same sentence.

You lost me at Jiffylube

Of all cars to be THISCLOSE, seems to be a proper jalop

I too love the SVX, considering getting one. How's the quality and ease of work on it? How bad is the auto?

I voted NP this morning, but now I think I'd only buy it if I could cut off one of his stupid fingers too.

Yeah I dunno

Are we sure the victim is female? Maybe it was a guy. Would you be as outraged and snooty?

I should think that being in the same room as 8 Cubans constitutes at least partial culpability, no?

Try it on yourself first, so you can adjust the sights

Perhaps the lady friend(s) are covering up some imperfections? Like a tear in the seat, scratch on the rear quarter, etc?

How does Boston and Chicago do just fine with Fenway and Wrigley, yet these other cities can’t POSSIBLY survive in a 22 year old stadium?? I don’t get it. I live in Boston and I would kill for a 22 year old fancy stadium with real sight lines and comfortable seats. What the actual fuck is wrong with the Ballpark in

Dammit I was looking forward to watching swimmers grow third arms live on TV

Once again, they chose a dilapidated city with zero infrastructure to host world class sporting events. Like why not pick Gary, Indiana. Seems about as arbitrary.

I like old boxy cars, but not at nearly $100 per year. Yeah I'm sure that motor will run forever but I cringe at the thought of a year of Minnesota salt making sweet love with the frame and underbelly.

I really love 280z’s. I wanted to vote NP. I really did. I just can't. Too much to do, too weird a setup, etc etc. CP sadly