Am I the only one who thinks the kick had little to do with the KO? It was the punch right before it that sent Rousey into space. ANYONE could've kicked her after that punch and she woulda went down
Am I the only one who thinks the kick had little to do with the KO? It was the punch right before it that sent Rousey into space. ANYONE could've kicked her after that punch and she woulda went down
Resorting to the word “fucking” kind of cheapens your writing. Does every story need that? You can get your point across about how good she is without it.
Sebastian Coe suspends Russian program
I do declare it's the clear coat/shine that gets effed up. I used em once on my aunts mx-6 and there were like scuff marks where I did the wax on, wax off routine. She was pumped.
I do declare it's the clear coat/shine that gets effed up. I used em once on my aunts mx-6 and there were like scuff…
You what will ruin the paint job on an entire car? Old bathroom towels.
You what will ruin the paint job on an entire car? Old bathroom towels.
Be cool, honeybunny
Her vagina remains free on bond
Pretty sure his one real vice is dignity or honesty. So maybe 2 vices
Always a good look to get into it with with someone twice your age. And to play for Cleveland. Double whammy
All defensive coaches were immediately let go after the game
Well don’t start letting facts get in the way of these bozos’ good times
Obviously you missed the point of this story
I’ve been drunk thousands of times in my life (not proud) but I can honestly say I've never wagged my dick at anyone, at any point, ever. Something very weird about that.
Ok but does Serrano have the disks??
Week 6... Hahahahahaha
Yes I could
Pretty long football column for a guy who doesn't like football anymore.
Having the people scramble around picking up the hats only makes you want to throw more hats
Please God, give us explosive diarrhea during an event. Just one. You think Costas Eye was a thing.. This would be a THING
Don’t you feel like if he had been drafted in maybe the 4th round, he would have had a better shot to work his way into a starting role? Versus all the pressure of being a #1?