Soccer still sucks
Soccer still sucks
Well to be fair, half your population is ice so you can concentrate your resources in a more efficient manner
I’m amazed those Canadians can understand the nuances of the game. Like beating the shit out of each other for 20 seconds at a time. Who among them can count that high??
He can't spare a fuck. He doesn't have a fuck to spare.
Tough week for baseball fans. First the puking guy at Fenway, now this. Way to create memories with your friends at the ballpark, and then erase them with binge drinking. Although the Sox are brutal so I totally get it
Fairly certain that soundtrack started the whole rap/rock mash-up thing.
Some things are better left in their place. I tried watching Judgment Night recently. One of my favorite movies as a 90s kid, utterly awful now. Leave the art alone.
Clearly you have never been to Boston
The best part? That's the National Anthem. Before the game starts.
That’s some nifty colon work right there
Tab 4 life!
Big surprise the guy named Raekwon wasn't fazed in the least
You forgot the perfectly cubed “chicken”. Blecchhh
Money or not, bozos like them will still drink cheap vodka and smoke cheap cigarettes. Because ghetto
Dude her box looks like five miles of bad road. Sexy? Nah
They arrest her for that awful box
why does every article or comment thread on deadspin HAVE to cram the word Fucking in there, like its so cool to type Fucking and we sound so smart and witty when we say Fucking New Yorker.... It's really old
The guy who took Scully's photo, Nick Ut, is the guy who took that famous Vietnam photo of the little girl running from a napalm attack.