If only I could somehow get Naughty Dog to do something like this about my copy of Uncharted 3 that won't boot past the initial loading screen...
If only I could somehow get Naughty Dog to do something like this about my copy of Uncharted 3 that won't boot past the initial loading screen...
Gotten? I know this is picky, especially since that word technically is still passable as English, but it sounds downright elementary at best. Received, maybe?
Wow, I'm screwed. I currently have an active subscription to BOTH Spin and Car & Driver...
I had just traded in some games last Sunday for some credit, so this call came four days later to remind me to use my credit. The fact that the call came in while I was taking the Browns to the Super Bowl did not help one bit.
My dad helped develop the American version of the SCUD missile for Hughes Aircraft, the Patriot Missile, back in the early nineties.
I do. Let's just go with that...
Under the songs tab. It's there for me, anyway.
I thought Leslie Nielsen was dead...
Mine is the same as it is here: MURPHtheSURF. My last name is Murphy, and my high school baseball coach always called me Murph The Surf in reference to the con artist / jewel thief of the same name.
What a comically ignorant thing to say.
When I saw this headline, I mistakenly read "cat" instead of "car," and I was quite literally thrilled.
I do, quite frequently in fact.
Couldn't agree more. I did a full-on double take when I read that line of the article. Seeing as how the 360 relied on HD-DVD, the new millennium's equivalent of the Beta format, I'd say it's quite the opposite of ideal.
Wait, this is totally real? I HAVE THAT GAME.
You got it. Rich is a SLO local.
LOVE that the accompanying music is "Wildcat" by Ratatat.
Yeah. It was a bad scene.
I didn't report him to the police. He was very careful to not say anything directly illegal, like "hey I'm going to kill you." Just vague statements like in the previous post, things like "I'll see you soon," etc. He eventually did taper off after about two years.