
About four years ago I participated in a barter situation via Craigslist. I had a high-end surfboard that I wasn't using very much, and I was looking to trade for a guitar. I found somebody who was interested, met up and made the trade. A few weeks later, the guy starts emailing me saying that he feels like he made a


So when I message a friend on Facebook and talk to them about how much I "fucking hate Charter Communications so much it makes me want to chop my own balls off," it will auto-increase Charter's Like count?

I watch two episodes of The Simpsons on DVD every weekday during my lunch hour. I also semi-frequently rip/burn CDs and DVDs.

Literally the ONLY thing that would prompt me to buy a WiiU is a new Zelda game. And even then, it's going to be a stretch...

I've found a few inaccuracies. Jason Gann is listed as a 4, but he is on Wilfred with Elijah Wood, who is a 1...


I just signed up for ""

If he would just change his name to Marcus Setentanueve, this wouldn't be an issue.

50/50 in 498 seconds.

Thank you. This just made my day.

Totally agreed. Great call on Memento as well. Did you ever see eXistenZ?

Has anybody else noticed that Cliff Blezinski is listed as the #1 high score for Super Mario Bros. in the "Player's Forum" section?! Awesome!

If I could actually get my copy of Uncharted 3 to work, this sounds great. I have never been able to overcome the Spinning Ring of Death...

For Jolene: Does your insane level of awesomeness intimidate dudes and/or instill jealousy in other ladies?

When I was in college I worked at a movie theater that was showing the original X-Men film. On opening night, during a sold-out show, about thirty minutes into the movie I hear running footsteps inside the theater. The door bursts open, and a college-age kid stops in the lobby, wild-eyed and looking around

What I really—REALLY—want to know is, are you gonna go my way?

It technically voids your warranty, but you can always just restore to a backup and it's nothing nothing ever happened. I definitely recommend jailbreaking.

I do have GMTSync installed. It's bizarre, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.