
That is the tricky part, and its what I find to be the most worrying about her potential candidacy. She is the strongest debater by far, but she didn’t refine those skills by going after people in power. She refined them by prosecuting people, including a lot of people of low socioeconomic status.

As someone who does not give a shit as to whether a net obstructs one’s view or not, I feel the need to point out that constantly freaking out over the slight possibility that a child might get injured in a accident that is unlikely to happen can be far more detrimental to that child’s overall mental health and well

I'm sorry to hear about your close call too! We really don’t do enough, as a society in general, to ensure the safety of affluent white people. 

You should care. There are alot of experts who believe that human interest stories like this create a false perception amongst parents that freak injuries are far more likely to occur to their children than they actually are. And that those parents are transferring that fear and anexiety to their young children on a

Its reads like a bizarre brand of 4th wave feminism from a post apocalyptic future where the only survivors are chest beating soccer bros.

How do you feel about you colleague Bill doubling down on his critique of Kaylynn Kyle, after she received death threats for comments that she made about the US team, on the same day that you published this article?

American dudes finally taking an interest in international womens soccer when the US team happens to be good in the age of Trump. What could possibly go wrong?

Do you think a premiere league bro who watches women’s soccer for a month (just because the US is supposed to dominate), and proceeds to complain about how boring the matches are, care’s about that? 

So, instead of mentioning the death threats that Kaylynn recieved following your critique, you decided to double down, Milo style, and criticize her for doing her again after she specifically asked to be left alone.

Don’t let logic get in the way of a good old fashioned internet down punch.

Maybe he can do it, and I haven’t watched him that much, but he might be too big to dance around a smaller fighter like Ruiz for 12 rounds without completely destroying his cardio. He’s got a lot of muscle mass that isn’t particularly dense, which actually works against him in that scenario.

I get the romance associated with the whole underdog story, but Ruiz has only lost one decision that a lot of people think he should have won at the pro level, he’s technique is superior when compared to Wilder’s, and his hand speed could give Fury serious fits, but Fury would probably resort to grabbing him.

Pretty much every gun control advocate would say that there is actually quite a bit of evidence which supports bans and restrictions in cases where they have been implemented outside of the US. And there are a lot of people who enjoy using guys for recreational shooting in countries outside the US who agree with those

The problem is the depiction and redepiction of any idealized version of masculinity which requires certain products to be consumed at the expense of other masculinities. Its fundamentally a class problem which still cuts across gender, race, sexuality and the inevitable melting of the planet regardless of who is

And assault weapons are used in something like 86 per cent of mass shootings, which is why the easiest common sense way to curtail mass shootings, according to most countries outside of the US is to ban them.

The lay person yes, but from a historical perspective the prohibition legislation that was introduced in the 90's (I think) uses the word assault, hence the automatic rifle distinction with respect to the restricted category. The AR 15 is the major hot button issue. It was banned, then permitted in the restricted

Maybe consider the amount of players in Laine’s draft year who haven’t even played a game in the NHL yet, and the fact that it is alot easier for teams to game plan against him after they have played him a few times, before describing his development as mixed. The knee jerk what-have-you done for me lately Toronto reac

You couldn’t be more wrong. There is a restricted category and some weapons that some people would loosely describe as assault weapons fit into that category, but there is also a prohibited weapons category, otherwise known as weapons that are banned. Canada used to have a blanket ban, before Harper loosened some

I’m impressed by your attempt to consider something that, no matter how obvious and completely unrelated to the situation it is, sounds like it could be a statistic.

It wasn’t a mass shooting.And fuck you.