
7 boxers die each year on average, compaired to 41 skiers, so I will agree with your argument if you agree that sking should be bamned as well.

Because divisiveness, whether it is actual or manufactured, is a proven means of capturing attention online.

I’ve taught alot of students from immigrant families who come from countries with poor human rights records. One thing that they say, when the protection of children (especially babies) is expressed in North American media in this way, is that white blood is expensive. I cannot think of a better example than this

I love how every Redford post gets like 30 replys, with 24 of them being banned.

Seems like Yonge offenders are also being denied their basic rights to not have their names published in print in Texas as well. Why? Because they play football? Gross.

I'm just going to say that it is super inappropriate and gross for you to be discussing an assault that involved minors in this way.

Its also an issue that should be discussed abd handled privately when minors are involved.

I don’t know what you or your editors are thinking, but under no circumstances should you be reporting on sexual assaults involving minors without protecting the anonymity of those involved. Your trash Redford, white fucking Tabloid trash.

Insinuatimg that one must choose between being concerned about mental health, labour, class, race and sexual assault is wrong and gross.

I will applaud this full on troll of the Deadspin readership for no reason other than the fact that the lawyers who comment frequently on this blog deserve to be treated like children.

Exactly. Its almost as if these takes, which are increasingly common, are referring to an era where alternative spaces for having these conversations don’t exist, when they have for quite a while.

They tried to create a professional womens football league in Canada. It included the daughter of Rob Ford: the sexist and homophobic premiere of Ontario, and the organizers wanted to dress the players in sexy uniforms.

While the fight was objectively bad. It didn’t look fake or staged to me. It looked like too poorly trained amateurs with minimal experience going at it.

Who needs fact checking, when you can come up with a title that sounds like a chapter from Infinite Jest.

If the best quarterback of all time was in my division and nearing retirement, and one of the most heralded QB recruits of all time was in college, I’d tank in a heartbeat. 

I’m unsure of who is responsible for this new editorial slant, but the nepotism, hypocrisy and irony is sad and staggering.

Here’s a tough question for you. Are you sure that the victim would want this case discussed by ESPN, given that networks track record?

Agreed. Gabe is complaining about a lack of context , while simultaneously offering zero context to an ridiculously complicated and sensitive issue- which involes minors to boot.

An amazing performance that would have been even better if the editing of the broadcast wasn’t god so god awful. A Bugsby Berkeley level performance is going on, yet the camera, for some reason, keeps cutting to younger Taylor Swift. At one point (5:57 to 6:04) Swift is shown dancing for 7 fucking seconds, which,

Smarter than whom? The New York Giants? Tanking for a franchise player has worked in other sports, and one could argue that the NFL, with its rookie payscale, shifting rule sets, high variancy with respect to the QB position, and reduced schedule is, by and large, the best sport to tank in.