
Two handguns and serious injuries but no reported deaths. Thats what you get when you ban assault weapons. 

I’m no brain scientist, but there must be some weird sub-cortal meme fueled connection between runaway golf carts and the theme music from Benny Hill. Because I can’t watch a video like this without hearing that song in my head, for some reason.

Yeah, but when your team is top loaded with stars and thin in reserves that is the risk that you take.

I think its more of an issue of loosing context and nuance in the face of internet hyperbole, but I will give you credit for acknowledging the adverb slip, and also point out that there is currently a debate over whether the Canadian Women’s hockey team’s goal celebrations were excessive as well when they beat

Instead is only and adverb when it is used by itself. You saidinstead of” which is a preposition.

Its tricky. Changing without posession of the puck when its entering your own end is always a gamble, but as long as your D are back its not a cardinal sin. Grzelcyk is arguably just as responsible. If he doesn’t box out as far or elects to just stand in front of the net Rask probably has a far easier shot to save. He

You do you realize that you began that sentence with a preposition which indicated that you were not going to continue to argue, before proceeding to repeat the same question at me in an argumentative fashion. I think your trying to say that it was none of the Canadian commentators business, that they should not have

Sorta. Canada tends to emphasize cultural diversity, basically as means of creating a buffer between the French and the English who have never got along. It doesn’t mean no culture, but if you were to say that Canada has no nationalist culture that is a hard point to argue against. Culture is definitely more regional,

If you are asking that question, you, like most straw men enthusiasts, didn’t read the article or watch the clip. You might have well just typed DURRRR AMMMURICCAAA.

The term female athlete just flew right over your head, didn’t it. We have a small country, Canadians remember pretty much every major national sporting slight that has occured at the hands of the US, and the womens National Soccer and Hockey teams have a pretty strong crossover with respect to fan base and media

You know who said that. No one, on the other end of a lopsided loss, ever.

Soooo, Kaylynn Kyle is recieving death threats from American fans who are taking her quote out of context. Classy.

This beef has been simmering for many moons.

Scheer has very little power, and next to no chance of capturing the seats needed to ram any of his awful ideas through even if he wins a minority thanks to Quebec’s general distaste for WASP’s in general. The state of Alabama, on the other hand

It was the finger counting gesture they took issue with, which, as far as a the aesthetics of a celebration goes, is literally and figuratively as childish as it gets. There is also a far deeper grudge going on here. It wasn’t that long ago that the USA women’s hockey team trampled on the Canadian flag in their

Its actually been a banner two years, and you can thank Donald Trump for that.

Thiis is my last response to you.

Oh they did. The post was flagged and removed. And my reasoning is based on the fact that track and field has its roots in militarism and efforts to showcase national superiority through the cultivation and demonstation of superior bodies, which is inherantly abelist. International competition was not organized for

There is a scoring system and submissions that can lead to injury, but are often just instances of momentary discomfort that cause no long lasting damage. The Jiu Jistu element makes a huge difference when compared to other striking centric sports.

No. Jabs are not necessarily sub-concussive. It is a weak strike used for scoring points and finding range. The force, from a pure physics standpoint, is not even close to the force that is exerted ever time an NFL line crashes into each other. A lot of progressive thinking parents are actually getting their daughters