
I said women not woman- plural-as in multiple fighters and divisions. Get off the field before you hurt yourself. 

How do you reconsile the fact that you are choosing to air this concern now, at the percise time that the sport is begjnning to featuring women prominently.

I mean its the entire reason why a special olympics exist. What fascinates me is that we literally have a situation where we are trying to use chemical modification to try and even the playing field. I'm not sure why that makes me a bigot. I support trans inclusion and never said that I didn't, its just pretty

Historically. It was one of Hitlers favorite sports. Its meant to be a showcase for the perfect physical specimen. Oh, and I’m not against trans inclusion in track by the way.

Never Forget: Mike Timlin recorded the final out in the 1992 World series that year, which was a fielded bunt by Otis Nixon.

The thing that I am fascinated by is the lingering myth of merotocracy that haunts this whole debate. Track is an abelist activity that, on a historic level, is designed to exclusive. Yet we still cling to a meritocratic myth of somehow leveling the playing field, of somehow making it all about the training and work

I’m just waiting for the flag to be flown upside down again.

There is a weird but fascinating tension between arguments for inclusivity and elite athleticism that I’m still trying to wrap my head around. If underlying logic behind powerlifting is to distinguish elite athleticism, the sport isn”t going to be very inclusive by virtue of its design.

Its impossible to determine whether a puck is loose or not when it is under a leg in a situation like that, and it is the reason why a lot of forwards will take a wack at a goalies pad to see if they can get a goal, and why a lot of defense are trained to do whatever they can to prevent a forward from taking a wack

Did you, like, read the article?

What is is about defending the interests of million dollar institutions run by white men who refuse to share those millions with others that turns your crank

All talk of decision making and investment opportuinity aside, you either agree that labour deserves to be paid or you do not. Its that simple, really.

Sorry, I should add that there is a social democrat tradition that goes back a ways as well. The difficulty is that alot of policies that Bernie champions were instituted in other places under differnet names, and supported by the liberal macroeconomic thinking of Keynes.

Are you talking ideology, or practice. Because what a regime claims to believe in (ideology) and what they actually do are very different realities. Leninism and Socialism are arguably comparable, as are Stalinism and Nazism as forms of totalitarianism, (there are alt right socialists, who play off this annoying fact

There is also a rich liberal tradition (which exists outside of the US) that is very much aligned with the policies that he supoorts, like in Canada and Germany for instance. The brand of socialism that he seems to be getting confused with is the brand that spun off of communist and fascist thinking, as opposed the

I get really confused by these statements, and the amount of overwhelming support they get. Is he not a socialist, as opposed to being a communist or anarchist. And isn’t he basically just advocating for systems and policies that have already been implemented, successfully, in other socialist countries.

To make matters worse there are fans, over on the Bills message board, who are still supporting the Taylor trade.

Strong-armed, give me a break. NFL players have always been and still are treated like shit by employers. Way to side with management, SCAB.

Exactly. And the irony of the whole situation is that alot of men bitch about those rules not being fair, but they only exist because alot of rich older men, including rich older men who run NFL teams, are also assholes.