murk lurb

what do you think portuguese people look like? though there's no doubt that fluency in the language was a higher priority in casting than ethic accuracy, none of those actors would look out of place in portugal.

i'm dying to hear joshua alston explain why he thinks the jimmy fallon joke is funny - based on his description of britta's parents, he didn't get the context at all, and yet still deemed it "classic"

beer is cool, huh

pretty sure bjork doesn't write her own copy.

what defines a "commercial failure"? because i worked at a record store when original pirate material came out, and it sold like crazy.

not going to lie— i don't care about your opinion.

wow, THE david sitek?!??!

i really liked city of ember, but i really hate that they've remade yet another movie in no need of a remake. there's just no way this version can improve upon the original, which is just about perfect, in my book.

i recently watched boxtrolls and, in that respect, it felt like a throwback to dark crystal/the last unicorn/gremlins era of children's movies.

"I'm a guy who thoughtlessly and happily bought a pair of low quality headphones. When informed there were better options, I became irrationally angry at being offered helpful advice. Then I stumbled, seemingly at random, at another pair of headphones and bought those on a whim, so now I've decided they're better than

ha ha! i get it! because michael moore is overweight, the implication is that he eats a lot. good one!

people talk about truthiness as a concept that colbert presented over the course of the show, not as a moment from from the pilot.

don't all mockumentaries never break character? this list is about movies that presented themselves as documentaries, not movies that pretended to be.

…are you saying you think that's an actual documentary?

thanks for clarifying that batkid is "non-canonical". most people would just assume that - at best - it would be common sense that a make-a-wish foundation recipient 5 year old's made up character was not part of the official fictional batman cannon and - at worst - no one would care either way. but not you.

what? who still talks about the colbert debut? i'm sure there are people who still talk about the 7th heaven debut, but that just makes them creeps, not the show great.

nice forrest gump reference! it works becase gary sinise was in forrest gump, and is also in the movie being discussed here. by referencing his character in forrest gump, you successfully remind us that he was in both movies playing different characters.

The Worst Illustrations Of The best sitcom episodes of the last 25 years (part 1)

i weep for the boring and condescending. all the power of instant communication to anyone around the world and the collected knowledge of humanity at your fingertips and you use this machine that would have been considered a flight of science fiction fancy 30 years ago for sneering like a douchebag about what other

let it go… it's an incredulous reaction to a stupid statement thing.