there's something incredibly heartbreaking about someone white knighting the av club.
there's something incredibly heartbreaking about someone white knighting the av club.
wow, man. you're so smart, understanding that high volume purchases drive costs down. i am totally incapable of understanding such a simple concept.
why bother coming up with interesting content when you can just literally regurgitate buzzfeed articles? great job, av club!
cameron esposito picks 'same sex symbol' as her favorite pop culture of 2014!
what kind of person takes a soundcloud hashtag joke at face value?
his answer was the same as what someone making fun of him would have made up.
thank god the av club asked those mythbuster guys to be involved with this so we could all be subjected to their boring answers.
pretty cool how the only woman listed is an av club employee. nice one!
as if i needed a reason to ignore ignatiy's opinion any more
hey alex, i just came here to say - great basket joke you made there. i love how you weaved (get it? baskets are weaved. it's a pun) it in to your description of the show called baskets. this is why i come to the av club. for grade A comedic funny business like that.
what a clever and timely reference. really a shining example of the quality of the av club's comment section
wait a second. i get it. you're just being "cleverly ironic," huh? when you referred to lady gaga as "absurd, outrageous and surreal," that was just a winking acknowledgement of her embarrassing first-year-art-student aesthetic, right? by claiming to think she was providing subtextual irony, you were actually being…
ok, little buddy. if you need to huddle in the corner and call me names in place of an actual response, that's your right. whatever makes you feel better about your sad little world where someone as boring as lady gaga is considered "absurd, outrageous and surreal." seriously, how depressing.
uh oh! looks like i've hurt your feelings - are you going to proved sputtering responses to all my comments? i sure hope so!
i refuse to let my intelligence be questioned by someone who inexplicably ends their countless av club comments with "hmmph."
lady gaga also reveals she thinks the colbert report is "the news"
honestly can't tell if you're joking or just stupid.
place where people don't catch obvious arrested development references is <———————— that-a-way, bud.