He should have stayed ...[puts on shades]...celtibate.
He should have stayed ...[puts on shades]...celtibate.
This. Or that it had met a similar fate to so many of its brethren: Original owner was Ryan, the owner of a small-but-prosperous jewelry store. He doted upon it and cleaned water from the carpet with BMW Part 85-2951-C, Invisible Stain Remover Pads (just like Bounty, but $2 each). Original owner put 50k on it and then…
Loser gives up on list halfway through, sad!
Why is the picture of the 49 Ford convertible actually a four-door sedan?
That was your first mistake. No one reads the articles anymore. They viscerally reaction to headlines and comment.
Slave labor is awesome?
Don’t forget “Schindler’s Fist”.
It might have been in the video store next to Pulp Friction and Bright Lights, Big Titties......
I think I saw that one in health class
To be fair, it is difficult to get off in Hannover. Now Hamburg, that’s some good times to be had there.
Only seeing 2 pedals in that picture. Methinks that’s a slushbox.
Tomorrow on jalopnik :
You mean that documentary they filmed in Dallas?
meh... everything I know about Detroit I learned from that documentary from a few years back with that white guy... Robocop, yeah, that's the one.
Brown? Check.
In a BMW you never have to signal.
It Bugs me that this is still a joke.
Lambo is no longer a Huracan. It’s a Huracan’t.
Most cars have a system wherein the operator has a brain and doesn't pilot their craft into water.