You forgot the part where she has a penis and came from Brazil.
You forgot the part where she has a penis and came from Brazil.
Wasn’t this tried before?
It sounds like you have cool friends.
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to change the transmission.
When I saw that face, I immediately thought of my mother in law watching LifeTime Sunday night movies back in the 1990s. They only had two movies on Sunday night. The Welfare mom who rose above and the righteous battered wife that murdered her abusive husband to save her family ending in a sober prison scene.…
It’s remarkable how many people suffer from this same instinctual death grip problem when a motorcycle starts to run away. Literally all you have to do is let go, and the whole problem quickly comes to a halt, yet it seems so incredibly difficult.
She works down at Wintergreen Zebra on the weekends. She told me she’s only dancing to put herself through law school and to help pay for her mom’s colitis treatment. She says that I’m different than all the other clients. As soon as I can scrape together the cash for a Maserati, we’re going to run off and start a…
Definitely not the car for me. While I could afford to own it, I’m not sure I could afford to drive it for very long.
Nah, *Fahk you. you were wicked close tho.
The upgraded suspension is probably a moot point after this kid most likely cut his springs to lower the car. Or removed leafs in the back. Are these leaf spring suspensions? I dunno, whenever I see lowered suspension on a car for sale, it makes me nervous without details.
He has admitted in interviews to exposing himself at work. That’s already creepy enough.
The idea of a 100,400 mile overly complicated 25 year old V12 BMW makes me want to run, run far away.
Photo #1 shows owner’s perfect grasp of BMW parking procedure.
I know it shouldn’t color my opinion, but I’m having a hard time looking past those rims.
I mean...
20 cents is actually a ton on a foreign exchange market. The GBP just hit 31 year lows to the USD. This was one of the largest single day drops in history. It has indeed plummeted. To put this in perspective, the 20 cent drop represents a 13.4% decline which is an INSANE amount for a currency exchange rate to move…
For those older than 30...
It’s a TVR. It’s basically one big rolling electric fault.