
I vote for the right side of the car, including doors, A, B, C, and D pillars and fenders. It's raining today and it would have been a wet drive without that entire side of the car.


Someone local at that AT&T store: go key that car. (Not that I condone such actions)

"Oh, and for those of you who are from Mars, or maybe Japan, or anywhere else not the U.S., this is about as 'Murica, Eff-yeah! a car as they come."

Be prepared for a lowball offer from CarMax. Don't take it personally. There is a lot of overhead with that facility and staff.

Yikes. Someone has their sarcasm detector set to "Low"

it wasn't a Dodge. It was a Ford. A Fiesta to be precise. Says so in the article.

I had an 80 year old plow into my car on a public road as I had wifey and the kids with me. Wifey and I had broken bones. Thankfully the kids were alright. I was out of work for 2 months. Witnesses stopped and all corroborated the fact that grandpa lost control of his car. And the Po Po didn't issue him a

Wow, Valerie Bertinelli lost a lot of weight.

from the video:

"Thanks to the Neil Armstrong family, the Apollo 11 purse and its contents are now on loan at the National Air and Space Museum........"

Tom- what's really going on here is also a function of the true "take rate" of the three pedal option. My sense is that most folks ordering a Chevy SS do not have their hair on fire and need the car that day or week. They could wait and order one from the factory. But they don't. Which all goes to prove that the

Why this up-blip? Is it statistically significant? If so, what's the explanation? Automakers going from those hideous automatic belts on the a pillar + roof to conventional belts with annoying chimes? Or was it state seat belt laws that started to kick in about 1994?

He shoulda pixelated the faces. Some douche will call Dept of Children & Family Services on this guy. Well, I guess the lil tyke will have some fond memories of biological dad after DCFS takes him away and puts him in the hands of some pederest foster parent.

Isn't Ferrari issuing a Cease and Desist order to Dartz? They are so protective (rightfully so) of their brand / IP, The Prancing Horse surely would not approve.

Agree that the Eisenhower era plane livery was fugly.

Not true. My buddy has a tattoo of that engine part and the tattoo parlor had it on the wall clearly labeled "turbo"

Of course, the most fantastically, absurdly wealthy of Jalopnik readers are screaming at me, personally, to just get to the point already and tell you all about where you can buy it and who's doing the brokering and all that, because that's a service you get with Jalopnik PRO, the service you've never heard about

Yes, and some of those "ladies" have extra equipment between their legs. Not that I would know first hand. (Cough, cough)