Will it guppy???
Will it guppy???
Elio is selling its vehicle in Aussieland already?
So history lesson her..... China's Last Emperor owned Buicks. So Chinese Buick love really does have that royal halo effect.
It's all about you.
Releasing the flight manifest so quickly is unusual, but AirAsia should get credit for being transparent.
Probably better stated that "for some Germans, everything has a parts code."
I'm sure that JetBlue would offer free flights to family member of "black people executed recently", but there aren't any.... Only black people resisting arrest and threatening the PoPo with deadly force.
Fill cylinders with concrete? Whaaaaat?
Hey Kat. Question for you..... Are these owners primarily male or female?
Frank Underwood approves of this hack.
actually, yes.
Ollie is a hooligan! He drives on the wrong side of the road!
.....because in Mother Russia, car sink YOU!
No Way, and there is a word in between.
because in Mother Russia, lane splits YOU!
Good news, underage drinkers: China is making fake driver's licenses now.
fake, fake, fake. No human holds a pizza box with one hand on the bottom and extended out like the guy at the bus stop. The only reason why bus stop guy did was because he was in cahoots with the girls in the car.