
The cavs lost by 7 points last night, in what universe is that called being "smoked?"

Oooh I want to see a gif of the assistant calling timeouts behind Blatt's back

So much dysfunction around the league this year, so many terrible teams.

I was meeting with an Isreali colleague of mine this morning and he just happened to mention the NBA and how David Blatt is considered a national hero over there right now for coaching in the NBA, and more specifically LeBron James. I thought the poor guy was going to burst into tears when I told him about this

He probably does regret it, but I don't think the decision-making process behind it changes. He wants to win championships and the Heat weren't close last year (those 2 teams play 10 times and the Spurs win 8-9 of them). He figured moving to a team with young talent in the East was the way to do it. Just hasn't worked

For them to get to the ECF, they would have to go through one of: Raptors, Hawks, Wizards, Bulls. I don't see them getting anywhere near 4 wins in a playoff series against any of those teams.

I think this team with these Noah and Rose and Butler and Pau and Taj guys may feel omitted from your post. I would pick those guys over Cleveland any day.

This is awesome

So do you think Lebron regrets leaving Miami? Even though the superstars were getting older (Wade/Bosh), at least they had a strong culture, a good coach that everyone respected, and a team with experience winning games. On paper Cleveland looks great, but in execution... well, we've seen the results so far.

"...[A] signal to the players that they won't be able to push Blatt out."

LeBron is openly petulant on the floor for quarters at a time. He vascilates between "fine, YOU do it" mode and his own stubborn imitation of Kyrie Irving's chuck-at-will floor game. There's something so bizarre and passive aggressive when you watch him play this year and it's really hard to understand. He honestly

it's obvious they should have waited before hiring Blatt. I think Blatt would a good coach for a very young team with some talent. I just think with Lebrons ego the size of the state of California, Blatt seems like Rhode Island right now. Buddy cianci would be proud!!!

What stands out on this clip is the bench players are so disconnected to what is happening, no emotion.

I'll take the complete and utter dysfunctional meltdown of the Knicks than this. At least there's hope for a better future there. This Cavs team was suppose to be the be all, end all of NBA basketball. It is proving to just be a completely disappointing and mediocre shit show. I wish I could take joy in this but as a

Essentially. He started covering LeBron back when LeBron was still in high school (the same school Windhorst had graduated seven years prior). When LeBron got drafted by the Cavs, he parlayed his work on the local beat into a gig as the Cavs beat writer. He then left the Plain Dealer to join ESPN and cover the Heat

His ESPN beat for the last however many years has been specifically to report on LeBron and LeBron's team, yes.

If LeBron shows no respect for the coach, no one else will. Its easy to blame Blatt but seriously LBJ is trying to do way too much.

Can somebody clear this up for me: Is Brian Windhorst unabashedly LeBron's own personal sports reporter?