
Perhaps he was captain of his debate team.

This is one of those situations where there are just too many things to say, too many comments to make, and they just zoom round and round endlessly while some drunk guy in a trucker hat calls it a sport.

That video is more than likely produced by her or an interested production company to pitch to networks to land a reality series.

WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU ATTACK A TRAINED ASSASSIN?! Seems like that's potential suicide...kinda makes me doubt the story.

Busch said Driscoll had claimed that a female character in "Zero Dark Thirty," a film depicting the CIA's hunt for Osama bin Laden, was a composite of her and other women.

Are you kidding?

This is a very weird story.

What in the fuuuuuuuckk???

I am glad he is bringing this up. I am also happy about his previous statements about Title II for ISPs.

Watched the movie, awful. My point is that the GOP lord this book and yet do the opposite. The truth being that we need government intervention to stop powerful companies from becoming too big and railroading their own agendas through government.

You are stupid. What? you looking for any reason to find fault with it. Why? Or is it due to your own personal view of Obama? So again I say you are stupid. Even if said criminals use it they can still be caught the same as they are now. If you have an issue with it then throw your comment to law enforcement agencies


GOP, take your copy of Atlas Shrugged and shove it up your ass! It was rules that stifled competition that were put in place by fat cats scratching each others backs!

Something something socialism.

And it's pretty obvious you didn't even bother to Google me. Grew up in South Florida (Broward and Palm Beach counties). Worked at the Miami Herald for seven and a half years. Been on enough boats to know to wear a life jacket in case stuff like this happens. Spent plenty of nights on the phone with the U.S. Coast

Of course! My perspective going into it was this: How do we know what happened? Really, I just wanted to know where the nine miles figure came from when I started. That's far from shore and pretty specific. How did all these reporters know it was that exact figure. That question lead me to more questions, especially

I asked Mitch about that and he said it's not unheard of. Think of it as taking a detour of a scenic route and then looping back to where you were supposed to go. Maybe he had nothing else going on that day and figured he'd do some fishing before going to Riviera Beach for the repairs. But, yeah, at the same time it

Wait, nobody thought to question why the boat was set on autopilot for the Bahamas if he was just going up the coast to take his boat in for service?

maybe he wanted to cash-in on insurance proceeds from boat lost at sea. Assistant says it was scheduled for repairs.

This is great, Diana. Any sense of possible motive to concoct the story? Financial difficulties? Business disputes? Need for attention?