
What is the Strong, Independent Woman who is clearly Empowered trying to accomplish here?

This lady is putting up with him because she thinks it's what's best for the kids. A time will come when she will be tired and resentful of feeling like the only grown up in the household. Until then, this guy will have a lot of fun. And she'll have some fun too.

Why do college-educated white ladies love Nora Ephron? Her characterizations were rooted in tired gender stereotypes. Her plots were dull and meandering. Her directorial work was pedestrian. Her movies are all about middle-class white yuppies and their petty romantic conundrums. And yet somehow, you guys have elevated

Alexander Cassatt is the brother of famed painter Mary Cassatt. Mary Cassatt studied painting in France with Edgar Degas. Alexander Cassatt's work at Penn Station reveals a tremendous sensitivity to light and receding perspectives, pretty similar to his sister and Edgar Degas.

What is your favorite brand of hair product? What do you recommend for use on curly/wavy hair to give it definition or separation?

I just want to take this opportunity to say I really hate the fucking Red Sox. Also as we all know, the OKC Thunder are a totally toilet operation. The Atlanta Hawks and the Detroit Pistons will be exposed for the shameless charlatans they are. Fuck everybody.

A sad turn of events. But a most positive one for the Qataris. A legend just grouped the Qatar Star League in with the Americans. They are going places now.

This is a shortlist of the fights I would like to see:

This is some freaky shit. I'm outta here.

Or he has "completely flipped his gourd."

You need rest.

Why don't you people just come out and call this Neuro-Linguistic Programming already?

Fuckin' A. That was awesome.

The two eventually resumed streaming, as it was important to Max, if only out of principle. Max didn't want to live in fear, even if, privately, he was nervous about a repeat performance.

Nope, sorry, you're absolutely wrong here. Domestic disturbance calls involving armed males are the most hazardous ones to law enforcement. Every time a cop responds to a call involving an armed guy who has become violent and angry, the cop is putting his life on the line. The cops did everything 1oo% correctly here.

Tell us wat it meanz. Pls.

That was no head-butt. Just a quick attempt by Kevin Garnett to get the residue of Honey Nut Cheerios off his head.

How do we even know these docs are real? It's all too easy to fabricate some shit and then claim to have obtained them from the CENTCOM servers via SCARY HACKING.

Oh my god. You have got to stop doing cocaine during working hours.

What the fuck are you idiots doing to your content?