
You should buy Neil Young's music. Just do it at 44.1 khz/16-bit pls, ty

Except his stellar back-catalog of music, which is nothing short of amazing.

What you fail to mention is that

You are absolutely crazy if you're claiming that as humans we can't discern between CD and FLAC. I bought this Fiio X3 last month and it's been incredible listening to my old favorites again.

Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may

Calm is just a fundraiser.

I've checked the downloads and they look legit. However, they are quite limited and could be coming from a single computer. No top secret documents and nothing as damning as the snowden reports.

It may well be that they have hacked something of value also, but hacking CENTCOM's twitter account is not the same as hacking CENTCOM's network.

So all our base are belong to them?

Most state laws state that if you can't figure out each individual (or it exceeds X number of people), you need to make a public announcement.

There should be a federal law that establishes a maximum time that a company has to notify you of a breach, but 30 days is too long. Working with ID theft as I do, I know that a lot of bad can happen in 30 days.

At best this indirectly helps data security. The reasoning is that if companies have to notify you of security breaches, that they'd be more inclined to protect the data to prevent that embarrassment.

More data security is always better than less data security.

"More data security is always better than less data security."

Hmmm, I always thought they taught civics and American history in school.