
Scott Walker must be exhausted, running from Packers box to the Cowboys box all night trying to make friends and influence people. Unsuccessfully.

it's actually exactly the type of thing should be covering: the governor of its URL.

I read this was from when the call was overturned. Either way the lil hick at bottom left is the best

This is the same expression of delusional exuberance he'll make when he wins his first Republican presidential candidate poll.

That's some fine a-emotin'!

Curious why FOX didn't show Christie?

He's about to eat his fist, isn't he? He thinks it's a turkey leg, doesn't he?

Super angry redheaded step child in the lower left

Future LSU student.

The photographer's job was to take photos of Christie throughout the game. He was sent there by to do EXACTLY THAT.

You would think that if Chris Christie was going to pick a team to root for, he would choose the one that is located in a swing state.

His take is probably "I'm running for president, so who cares?" Except that most sports fans, regardless of affiliation, really hate That Guy who roots for the Cowboys, Yankees, and Lakers. Jerry Jones must be giving him an absolute boatload of money.

"I'm running for president!"

Christie is eating his 7th invisible bratwurst

I love that the Cowboys lost and that Christie is now going to be in a world of shit with football fans all across the state he represents. What a knobjob.

Are you sure he didn't just see the hotdog guy?

Can someone photoshop a drumstick in his hand?