Muqaddimah (call me Muck)

But I bet it was loud!

The seeds of war bear fruit long after....

By granny shifting.  Not double clutching like he should.

He was citing a peer-reviewed paper

it was totally connected to reality

Wow, every response to this sure made you look ignorant and wrong, huh? I guess if you were capable of critical thinking that would prompt you to examine other things you believe, but I bet it doesn’t.

Its ok, you can still vote for the guy who did things on epstein's Island. 

Peer reviewed papers list the peers that reviewed the paper.  That one doesn’t, meaning it’s not peer reviewed.

Pretty sure it’s not peer-reviewed. And after reading as much of the paper as I could, I can see why. The part where they said Minivans have class and lifestyle connotations that may not appeal to everyone was particularly funny, but their “rich data” is essentially based on how many people have their third kid while

The paper crudely calculated that car seat mandates lowered the annual probability of a woman giving birth to a third child by 0.73 percent.”

I’m confused. How are car seats driving down birthrates?

I believe the thinking is that it’s yet another expense involved with raising a child.

If Trump and Vance are the cream of the “white” race, replace away...

Car seats aren’t the problem, it’s the screaming little monsters that sit in them.

Nah, just a couple of the sluttiest cushions he can find, right on his lap

Does he put an ottoman in a car seat for long road trips?

Why, in the world, is ANYONE voting for people this far removed from any reality?

One of my favorite stories of the arctic exploration age was that of an explorer who looked at the failures of the previous expeditions, talked to the Inuit and got them to teach him how to live in the arctic, which he did for quite a while, gathering a ton of data (or whatever passed for data in the 1800s), came

staggering southward ..... some 800 miles from their stranded ships until they perished
