crew members have filmed their view from inside the planes and it does not look fun.
crew members have filmed their view from inside the planes and it does not look fun.
Two cops deployed tasers but neither of them worked. (Guy only had a t-shirt on, so I don’t know what was going on there.) But it looks like they could have easily subdued him with pepper spray, or batons, or a good old fashioned gang tackle. (They had plenty of time, and the guy never made an aggressive move toward…
I attended one of these “educate the public about police use of force” things a few years ago. Many of the other people there bought into it and were like “ah, yes, I see why you totally have to shoot people in a situation like this.” What those people were missing was the fact that the “situation like this” was an…
A delayed image would be much worse than no image at all. At least if you know your camera’s busted, you aren’t relying on it. The thought that I could be looking at an image, but not a current image, is pretty disturbing.
Yep, they claim to buy all products (including cars) using “secret shoppers” who act like any other random retail customer.
the slow-motion disaster
scientists from the University of Manitoba used B. napus and B. rapa to develop the strain, which was premiered in the 1970s
When I was younger I made up just such a table, laminated it, and kept it in the car with me so I could always do a rational cost/benefit analysis of whether it was worth it to me to risk a ticket.
It’s just so exhausting to have to explain this over and over, isn’t it? The entire g-d point of having something like AM radio around is that cell phones won’t fucking work during a true disaster/emergency, yet people keep shouting “yOu CaN juSt dO iT On YOuR PHoNe!!! It’s as ridiculous as someone arguing that it’s…
why such an exorbitant fine?
What’s The Worst Thing A Passenger Has Done In Your Car?
I want to second that. I have ridden all kinds of public transit, both where I live and when travelling around within other cities. Sure, there’s the odd weirdo, but that’s true pretty much everywhere you go. I mostly drive, but that’s only because I really like driving. I have to say I have never had a bad experience…
It wasn’t engineers who demanded electric door openers, they’re just the poor bastards who have to try to find ways to execute Musk’s “genius” ideas.
160 pounds [is] less than the weight of the average American female
Ms. Phenix broke multiple terms and conditions and signed a non-disclosure agreement.
As my grandpappy used to say... “if you want to know how much God values money, just look at who he gives it to.”
I bought a $4200 Canali suit to replace my old, worn out $200 Men’s Warehouse special, and everyone thinks I’m still wearing the old suit! How awesome is that ?!?
Do you value comfort, quiet, fuel economy, or speed when road tripping?
Yep, that was all the evidence I needed to confirm that the OP is just a really shitty driver. When bringing your car to a halt involves a “jolt”, you’re doing it wrong.
I’m no sociologist, but I think people engage in these activities because they think the odds are low of getting caught, or they don’t fear the repercussions if they *do* get caught (or both).